Aerial view of three people skiing in a snowy forest.

Data-driven leadership

Collaboration with us occurs at the executive level. We offer continuous, proactive insights into market dynamics and impact factors. Your entire executive leadership will receive tools to address recurring problems effectively, minimising undesirable side effects.

Data-Driven Management Solutions

Businesses and organisations often possess vast amounts of data, but using it effectively for decision-making can be challenging. Our models help you maximise existing data and critically examine the need for additional data collection, even when current data is insufficient.

STE Analytics’ system dynamics-based method separates essential information from the non-essential, organising data for use in decision-making, communication, and operational management.

In a constantly changing world, dynamic models that anticipate these changes are crucial for staying ahead. Alongside our models, we provide continuous support for data-based management in all types of organisations.

Example 1.

Understanding change is often more critical than focusing on absolute levels. If, for example, there are currently only few employees, is it reasonable to assume that it’s due to

  • a temporary recruitment cycle and seasonal variation?
  • or a real erosion cycle where employee departures lead to worsening work environments, causing more departures and a lower overall number if not addressed?

Example 2.

Is the growth seen in the company

  • genuine?
  • or caused by inventory cycle or market conditions, such as competitor supply difficulties or import barriers?

For example, caution should be exercised with inventory situations causing high demand because depending on customer stocking behaviour, the cycle is likely to turn. When this turnover occurs, stocks are cleared, and it’s time for a phase of lower demand again.

Aerial view of a speedboat cruising in a circle in deep blue water.

Information communication

Our approach to clients’ needs is always customised. In the public sector, we organise and structure interviews and data into a unified model that provides a common understanding. The material produced by STE Analytics plays a major role in communicating this information.

In the business sector, data-driven management often takes place in monthly executive meetings, where STE Analytics provides expert insights into market situations and influencing factors.

Our services ensure that all relevant information is well-structured and always available. Once the operating environment is understood, the focus shifts to proactive information management.

We also assist in designing presentation materials, participate in events to communicate project messages, and coach the project team using our expertise.

Appearing as a technical witness

Our experts have provided objective simulations that give mathematical or systemic views of the situation to be used as background information for legal cases.

Confirming decisions

Sometimes our client has a certain vision or intuition behind a decision, or there are conflicting views among parties making a decision. Our models aim to confirm one’s intuition or debunk it and find a better approach.

Modelling also helps different decision-making parties converge on the same problem. Ideally, modelling helps create a common understanding in a transparent and gradually evolving process where the client’s information and data are validated. Alternately, in a conflicting situation, fruitful discussions are held about what part of the information – experts, data, both, or a specific data set – is biassed and what is correct. Models reveal the so-called impossibilities of data.

Example 1.

If ordered tons exceed delivered tons in the long run, then there is a mass balance issue and it is likely that one of the data sets is wrong!

Example 2.

If an expert says that their customers are not price-sensitive, but the order data indicates otherwise, it is necessary to clarify whether the understanding is correct or whether the expert is willing to modify their view after seeing the data.

Incorrect expert views can be harmful to operations, making it crucial to address and correct these misunderstandings.

Aerial view of a part of an empty race track with a single tree in the middle.

Impact assessment

In situations where the impact of a change to a complex system, or the system itself, needs to be measured from a holistic perspective, systemic tools are essential. They can take into account the diversity of effects.

For example, a certain action may produce benefits in its immediate environment and in the short term, but negative effects on the surrounding system mean that the benefits are short-lived.

Example 1.

A price increase generates positive cash flow, but if consumer purchasing power does not increase simultaneously and/or competitors act differently, it likely causes declining demand and reduced cash flow in the future.

Programs and development projects

We also offer support for project management and planning. The more multifaceted and complex the network, the more essential it is to grasp the whole picture using our solutions and strategic tools.

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Get in touch with us!
Pekka Aarnisalo, CEO and co-founder of STE Analytics.

Pekka Aarnisalo

CEO, Co-founder
Osmo Salonen, senior consultant at STE Analytics, and co-founder.

Osmo Salonen

Senior Consultant, Co-founder
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